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Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Brothers and Sisters of Penance of St. Francis, Primitive rule

 So What are we all about? Well we believe in Following the first rule of St. Francis that he gave for those that wanted to live like him. This rule was written and approved back in the year 1221.  Many are no longer following this rule. I'm really unsure as to why since a Saint gave us a rule to live by and many Saints have come out of living that rule I see no reason to fix what is not broken. However most Secular Franciscans live by the 1978 rule now. This is just my opinion of course but I feel this newer rule is very watered down and really not as powerful as the original rule. Yes the original rule is challenging... but thats the point. We must submit ourselves to a higher standard if we want to come closer to God.

 Our FB Page (Philippines Based)

Our FB Group (Philippines based)

We are fully approved and supported by the Hierarchy of the Catholic Church. Please check out the main Association website:

 We are world wide and only 1 of 2 Associations living the original rule. Please check us out if you feel you are called to live the Gospel while still living your Secular life.